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2005, Volume 5 Index
Copyright © 2001-2016 - Genetic Information Research Institute, USA
ISSN# 1534-830X

  1. Gypsy-14_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 1 (2005)
  2. Gypsy-14_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 2 (2005)
  3. Gypsy-15_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 3 (2005)
  4. Gypsy-15_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 4 (2005)
  5. Gypsy-16_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 5 (2005)
  6. Gypsy-16_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 6 (2005)
  7. Gypsy-17_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 7 (2005)
  8. Gypsy-17_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 8 (2005)
  9. Gypsy-18_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 9 (2005)
  10. Gypsy-18_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 10 (2005)
  11. Gypsy-19_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 11 (2005)
  12. Gypsy-19_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 12 (2005)
  13. Gypsy-20_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 13 (2005)
  14. Gypsy-20_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 14 (2005)
  15. Gypsy-21_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 15 (2005)
  16. Gypsy-21_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 16 (2005)
  17. Gypsy-22_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 17 (2005)
  18. Gypsy-22_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 18 (2005)
  19. Gypsy-23_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 19 (2005)
  20. Gypsy-23_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 20 (2005)
  21. Gypsy-24_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 21 (2005)
  22. Gypsy-24_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 22 (2005)
  23. Gypsy-25_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 23 (2005)
  24. Gypsy-25_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 24 (2005)
  25. Gypsy-26_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 25 (2005)
  26. Gypsy-26_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 26 (2005)
  27. Gypsy-27_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 27 (2005)
  28. Gypsy-27_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:1 p. 28 (2005)
  29. COPIA1_LC: L. corniculatus copia-type LTR retrotransposon.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 29 (2005)
  30. COPIA1_OS: Rice copia-type LTR retrotransposon.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 30 (2005)
  31. COPIA1_LC: L. corniculatus copia-type LTR retrotransposon.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 31 (2005)
  32. COPIA1_OS: Rice copia-type LTR retrotransposon.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 32 (2005)
  33. COPIA2_LC: L. corniculatus copia-type LTR retrotransposon.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 33 (2005)
  34. COPIA2_LC: L. corniculatus copia-type LTR retrotransposon.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 34 (2005)
  35. DNA-2-3_DR, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons from zebrafish.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 35 (2005)
  36. DNA-2-4_DR, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons from zebrafish.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 36 (2005)
  37. Rice DNA transposon ENSPM2_OS.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 37 (2005)
  38. Rice DNA transposon ENSPM3_OS.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 38 (2005)
  39. GYPSY1_OS: Rice endogeneous retrovirus.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 39 (2005)
  40. GYPSY1_OS: Rice endogeneous retrovirus.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 40 (2005)
  41. Gypsy-3_CR, a gyspy LTR retrotransposon from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 41 (2005)
  42. Rice non-LTR retrotransposon consensus.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 42 (2005)
  43. hAT-1N_DP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons from Drosophila pseudoobscura.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 43 (2005)
  44. hAT-1_DP, a family of autonomous hAT transposons from Drosophila pseudoobscura.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 44 (2005)
  45. hAT-2N_AG, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons from African malaria mosquito.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 45 (2005)
  46. hAT-2_AG: a family of autonomous hAT DNA transposons from African malaria mosquito.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:2 p. 46 (2005)
  47. Rice Gypsy LTR retrotransposon.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 47 (2005)
  48. Rice Gypsy LTR retrotransposon.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 48 (2005)
  49. DIRS-1_CR, a family of DIRS retrotransposons from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 49 (2005)
  50. L1-5_CR, a family of L1-like non-LTR retrotransposons from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 50 (2005)
  51. L1-6_CR, a family of L1-like non-LTR retrotransposons from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 51 (2005)
  52. MSAT-1_CR, a family of minisatellites from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 52 (2005)
  53. MSAT-1_CR, a family of minisatellites from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 53 (2005)
  54. MSAT-1_CR, a family of minisatellites from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 54 (2005)
  55. MSAT-1_CR, a family of minisatellites from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 55 (2005)
  56. MSAT-1_CR, a family of minisatellites from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 56 (2005)
  57. MSAT-2_CR, a family of minisatellites from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 57 (2005)
  58. MSAT-3_CR, a family of minisatellites from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 58 (2005)
  59. MSAT-3_CR, a family of minisatellites from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 59 (2005)
  60. MSAT-4_CR, a family of minisatellites from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 60 (2005)
  61. MSAT-4_CR, a family of minisatellites from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 61 (2005)
  62. Rice mutator DNA transposon.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 62 (2005)
  63. NonLTR-2_CR, a family of non-LTR retrotransposons from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 63 (2005)
  64. NonLTR-3_CR, a family of non-LTR retrotransposons from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 64 (2005)
  65. NonLTR-4_CR, a family of non-LTR retrotransposons from the green algae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 65 (2005)
  66. TE1-1_CR, a family of unusual nonautonomous transposable elements in the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 66 (2005)
  67. TE1-2_CR, a family of unusual nonautonomous transposable elements in the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:3 p. 67 (2005)
  68. CR1-10_SP non-LTR retrotransposon from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 68 (2005)
  69. CR1-11_SP non-LTR retrotransposon from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 69 (2005)
  70. CR1-12_SP, a family of non-LTR retrotransposons from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 70 (2005)
  71. CR1-13_SP, a family of non-LTR retrotransposons from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 71 (2005)
  72. CR1-14_SP, a family of non-LTR retrotransposons from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 72 (2005)
  73. CR1-15_SP, a family of non-LTR retrotransposons from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 73 (2005)
  74. CR1-16_SP, a family of non-LTR retrotransposons from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 74 (2005)
  75. CR1-17_SP, a family of non-LTR retrotransposons from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 75 (2005)
  76. CR1-18_SP, a family of non-LTR retrotransposons from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 76 (2005)
  77. CR1-19_SP, a family of non-LTR retrotransposons from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 77 (2005)
  78. CR1-6_SP non-LTR retrotransposon from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 78 (2005)
  79. CR1-7_SP non-LTR retrotransposon from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 79 (2005)
  80. CR1-8_SP, a family of non-LTR retrotransposons from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 80 (2005)
  81. CR1-9_SP non-LTR retrotransposon from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 81 (2005)
  82. DIRS-1_CB - a family of LTR retrotransposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 82 (2005)
  83. DNAX-3_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposon in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 83 (2005)
  84. Harbinger-N2_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 84 (2005)
  85. MuDR-10_CB - a family of nonautonomous MuDR-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 85 (2005)
  86. MuDR-12A_CB - a family of nonautonomous MuDR-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 86 (2005)
  87. MuDR-13_CB - a family of nonautonomous MuDR-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 87 (2005)
  88. MuDR-14_CB - a family of nonautonomous MuDR-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 88 (2005)
  89. MuDR-15_CB - a family of nonautonomous MuDR-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 89 (2005)
  90. MuDR-8_CB - a family of nonautonomous MuDR-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 90 (2005)
  91. MuDR-9_CB - a family of nonautonomous MuDR-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 91 (2005)
  92. P-N1_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 92 (2005)
  93. REP-1_SP, a family of interspersed repeats in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 93 (2005)
  94. RTE-1_DR non-LTR retrotransposon from the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 94 (2005)
  95. SINE2-1_SP, a family of SINE2 retrotransposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 95 (2005)
  96. SINE2-2_SP, a family of SINE2 retrotransposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 96 (2005)
  97. SINE2-3_SP, a family of SINE2 retrotransposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:4 p. 97 (2005)
  98. M. sativa putative retrotransposon ALFARE1.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 98 (2005)
  99. M. sativa putative retrotransposon ALFARE1.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 99 (2005)
  100. A consensus sequence of Copia-type element COPI1.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 100 (2005)
  101. A consensus sequence of Copia-type element COPI1.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 101 (2005)
  102. M. truncatula LTR consensus.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 102 (2005)
  103. M. truncatula LTR consensus COPIA3-LTR_MT.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 103 (2005)
  104. Copia-like consensus sequence from Oryza sativa.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 104 (2005)
  105. Copia-like consensus sequence from Oryza sativa.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 105 (2005)
  106. Copia-like retroelement CPR1 from rice: a consensus.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 106 (2005)
  107. Copia-like retroelement CPR1 from rice: a consensus.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 107 (2005)
  108. Copia type LTR retrotransposon CPSC3.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 108 (2005)
  109. Copia type LTR retrotransposon CPSC3.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 109 (2005)
  110. Copia-type CPSC4A element from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 110 (2005)
  111. Copia-type CPSC4A element from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 111 (2005)
  112. Copia-type CPSC4B autonomous element from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 112 (2005)
  113. Copia-type CPSC4B autonomous element from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 113 (2005)
  114. EnSpm like DNA transposon from Oryza sativa : consensus sequence.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 114 (2005)
  115. En/Spm-like DNA transposon from rice.
    Jurka,J. and Gentles,A.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 115 (2005)
  116. Gypsy-like non-LTR retrotransposon from Oryza sativa.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 116 (2005)
  117. Gypsy-like non-LTR retrotransposon from Oryza sativa.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 117 (2005)
  118. Gypsy-28_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 118 (2005)
  119. Gypsy-28_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 119 (2005)
  120. L1-1_XL family of frog non-LTR rtetrotransposons.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 120 (2005)
  121. LTR3_DR, a family of zebrafish long terminal repeats.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 121 (2005)
  122. Mariner-N14_AG: a family of nonautonomous mariner/Tc1-like DNA transposons from African malaria mosquito.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 122 (2005)
  123. Mariner-N1_CB, a family of nonautonomous Mariner transposons in the Caenorhabditis briggsae genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 123 (2005)
  124. MuDR-like autonomous DNA transposon from rice - a consensus.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 124 (2005)
  125. MUDRN4_OS: a non-autonomous MuDR transposon from rice.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 125 (2005)
  126. Copia-type RETROFIT2 LTR retrotransposon.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 126 (2005)
  127. Copia-type RETROFIT2 LTR retrotransposon.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 127 (2005)
  128. Copia-type RETROFIT3 LTR retrotransposon.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 128 (2005)
  129. Copia-type RETROFIT3 LTR retrotransposon.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 129 (2005)
  130. Gypsy-class endogenous retrovirus RIREX.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 130 (2005)
  131. Gypsy-class endogenous retrovirus RIREX.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 131 (2005)
  132. Putative retroelement from Oryza sativa - a consensus sequence.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 132 (2005)
  133. Putative rice SINE element.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 133 (2005)
  134. A consensus sequence of SZ-46LTR.
    Repbase Reports 5:5 p. 134 (2005)
  135. CR1-type non-LTR retroelement from sea urchin.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 135 (2005)
  136. DNA-1_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposon in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 136 (2005)
  137. DNA-TA-1_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposona in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 137 (2005)
  138. Gyps1 (gypsy) sequence from sea urchin.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 138 (2005)
  139. Gyps1 (gypsy) sequence from sea urchin.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 139 (2005)
  140. Gyps2: a gypsy-type element from sea urchin.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 140 (2005)
  141. Gyps2: a gypsy-type element from sea urchin.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 141 (2005)
  142. HAT12_CB - a family of nonautonomous hAT-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 142 (2005)
  143. HAT13_CB - a family of nonautonomous hAT-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 143 (2005)
  144. hAT-like DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 144 (2005)
  145. Consensus sequence of human endogenous retrovirus HERV1.
    Polavarapu,N., Bowen,N.J. and Mcdonald,J.F.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 145 (2005)
  146. Consensus sequence of human endogenous retrovirus HERV1.
    Polavarapu,N., Bowen,N.J. and Mcdonald,J.F.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 146 (2005)
  147. Consensus sequence of human endogenous retrovirus HERV4.
    Polavarapu,N., Bowen,N.J. and Mcdonald,J.F.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 147 (2005)
  148. Consensus sequence of human endogenous retrovirus HERV4.
    Polavarapu,N., Bowen,N.J. and Mcdonald,J.F.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 148 (2005)
  149. LINE1 element from S. purpuratus (possibly 5'-truncated).
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 149 (2005)
  150. L. corniculatus copia-like retrotransposon LCCOPIA1.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 150 (2005)
  151. L. corniculatus copia-like retrotransposon LCCOPIA1.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 151 (2005)
  152. Mariner-N2_SP, a family of nonautonomous transposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 152 (2005)
  153. MARINER62_CB - a family of nonautonomous mariner/Tc1-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 153 (2005)
  154. MARINER63_CB - a family of nonautonomous mariner/Tc1-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 154 (2005)
  155. MSAT-1_SP, a family of minisatellites in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 155 (2005)
  156. MuDR-16_CB - a family of nonautonomous MUDR-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 156 (2005)
  157. piggyBac-N5_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 157 (2005)
  158. RTE1X: RTE-like non-ltr retrotransposon from sea urchin.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 158 (2005)
  159. SINE2-4_SP, a family of SINE2 retrotransposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 159 (2005)
  160. SINE2-4_SP, a family of SINE2 retrotransposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 160 (2005)
  161. SINE2-4_SP, a family of SINE2 retrotransposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 161 (2005)
  162. SINE2-4_SP, a family of SINE2 retrotransposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 162 (2005)
  163. SINE2-5_SP, a family of SINE2 retrotransposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 163 (2005)
  164. SINE2-6_SP, a family of SINE2 retrotransposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:6 p. 164 (2005)
  165. A recently inserted L1-like element from A. thaliana.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 165 (2005)
  166. L1-like element from A.thaliana.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 166 (2005)
  167. L1-like non-LTR retrotransposon ATLINE1_8 from A.thaliana.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 167 (2005)
  168. L1-like non-LTR retrotransposon from A. thaliana.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 168 (2005)
  169. Copia-type LTR retroelement from Zea mays.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 169 (2005)
  170. Copia-type LTR retroelement from Zea mays.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 170 (2005)
  171. DNA-2_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposon in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 171 (2005)
  172. ENSPM-like DNA transposon from Medicago.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 172 (2005)
  173. Gypsy-like element from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 173 (2005)
  174. Gypsy-like element from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 174 (2005)
  175. Gypsy-like retroelement from Medicago truncatula.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 175 (2005)
  176. Gypsy-like retroelement from Medicago truncatula.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 176 (2005)
  177. HAT14_CB - a family of nonautonomous hAT-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 177 (2005)
  178. HAT15_CB - a family of nonautonomous hAT-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 178 (2005)
  179. HAT16_CB - a family of nonautonomous hAT-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 179 (2005)
  180. HAT17_CB - a family of nonautonomous hAT-like transposons.
    Pavlicek,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 180 (2005)
  181. A new, posibly active helitron from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 181 (2005)
  182. A new mariner sequence from Medicago truncatula - a consensus.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 182 (2005)
  183. L1-like non-LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 183 (2005)
  184. piggyBac-N6_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 184 (2005)
  185. piggyBac-N7_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 185 (2005)
  186. piggyBac-N8_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 186 (2005)
  187. Gypsy-like element from rice (RETROSAT4).
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 187 (2005)
  188. Gypsy-like element from rice (RETROSAT4).
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 188 (2005)
  189. A young gypsy-type non-LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 189 (2005)
  190. A young gypsy-type non-LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 190 (2005)
  191. SINE2-7_SP, a family of SINE2 retrotransposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 191 (2005)
  192. Copia-like LTR-retrotransposon from common bean.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 192 (2005)
  193. Copia-like LTR-retrotransposon from common bean.
    Repbase Reports 5:7 p. 193 (2005)
  194. Non-LTR retrotransposon ATLINE1_11.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 194 (2005)
  195. COPIA4: Copia-type LTR retrotransposon from Medicago.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 195 (2005)
  196. COPIA4: Copia-type LTR retrotransposon from Medicago.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 196 (2005)
  197. EnSpm5_OS: A new EnSpm-family possibly active in rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 197 (2005)
  198. Helitron5_OS: Helitron-type DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 198 (2005)
  199. IBGYPSY1: A Gypsy-type LTR-retrotransposon from sweet potato.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 199 (2005)
  200. IBGYPSY1: A Gypsy-type LTR-retrotransposon from sweet potato.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 200 (2005)
  201. MuDR2_OS: MuDR-type DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 201 (2005)
  202. MuDR3_OS: MuDR-type DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 202 (2005)
  203. OSCOPIA2: Identification of LTRs and the internal region.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 203 (2005)
  204. OSCOPIA2: Identification of LTRs and the internal region.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 204 (2005)
  205. OSHOOTER: EnSpm-type DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 205 (2005)
  206. OSLINE1-2: L1-like non LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 206 (2005)
  207. OSLINE1-3: L1-type non-LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 207 (2005)
  208. OSLINE1-4: L1-like non-LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 208 (2005)
  209. OSLINE1-5: L1-type non-LTR retrotransposon from rice (reconstructed from two pieces).
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 209 (2005)
  210. OSMU5: MuDR-type family of DNA transposons from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 210 (2005)
  211. OSTONOR1: Copia-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 211 (2005)
  212. OSTONOR1: Copia-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 212 (2005)
  213. RETROSAT5: Gypsy-type LTR retroelement from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 213 (2005)
  214. RETROSAT5: Gypsy-type LTR retroelement from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 214 (2005)
  215. RETROSAT6: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice: characterization of LTRs and the internal region.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 215 (2005)
  216. RETROSAT6: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice: characterization of LTRs and the internal region.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 216 (2005)
  217. RETROSOR2: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 217 (2005)
  218. RETROSOR2: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 218 (2005)
  219. SBCOPIA1: A Copia-like LTR retrotransposon from Sorghum bicolor - identification and basic characteristics.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 219 (2005)
  220. SBCOPIA1: A Copia-like LTR retrotransposon from Sorghum bicolor - identification and basic characteristics.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 220 (2005)
  221. SZ-10: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 221 (2005)
  222. SZ-10: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 222 (2005)
  223. SZ-20LTR: Long terminal repeat from rice (internal portion unidentified to date).
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 223 (2005)
  224. SZ-59: Gypsy-type LTR-retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 224 (2005)
  225. SZ-59: Gypsy-type LTR-retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 225 (2005)
  226. TCA2: A recently inserted Copia-like element from Candida.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 226 (2005)
  227. TCA2: A recently inserted Copia-like element from Candida.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 227 (2005)
  228. ZMCOPIA2: Copia-type LTR retrotransposon from maize.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 228 (2005)
  229. ZMCOPIA2: Copia-type LTR retrotransposon from maize.
    Repbase Reports 5:8 p. 229 (2005)
  230. ATGP3B: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon - determination of long terminal repeats and of the internal region.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 230 (2005)
  231. ATGP3B: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon - determination of long terminal repeats and of the internal region.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 231 (2005)
  232. ATGP5A: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from thale cress.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 232 (2005)
  233. ATGP5A: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from thale cress.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 233 (2005)
  234. ATHAT8: A hAT-type DNA transposon from thale cress (a complete sequence).
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 234 (2005)
  235. An ATLANTYS-like LTR retrotransposon of the legume Lotus japonicus.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 235 (2005)
  236. An ATLANTYS-like LTR retrotransposon of the legume Lotus japonicus.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 236 (2005)
  237. ATMU12: MuDR-type DNA transposon from thale cress (a complete sequence).
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 237 (2005)
  238. L. corniculatus copia-like element.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 238 (2005)
  239. L. corniculatus copia-like element.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 239 (2005)
  240. En/Spm type transposon from rice.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 240 (2005)
  241. ENSPM7_OS: an En/Spm type transposon from rice.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 241 (2005)
  242. GYMAG1: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 242 (2005)
  243. GYMAG1: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 243 (2005)
  244. GYMAG2: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 244 (2005)
  245. GYMAG2: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 245 (2005)
  246. GYPSODE1: Gypsy-type element from wild potato.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 246 (2005)
  247. GYPSODE1: Gypsy-type element from wild potato.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 247 (2005)
  248. Gypsy element from Medicago truncatula.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 248 (2005)
  249. Gypsy element from Medicago truncatula.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 249 (2005)
  250. GYZMA1: Gypsy-type LTR-retrotransposon from maize.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 250 (2005)
  251. GYZMA1: Gypsy-type LTR-retrotransposon from maize.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 251 (2005)
  252. GYZMA2: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from maize.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 252 (2005)
  253. GYZMA2: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from maize.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 253 (2005)
  254. Harbinger-N1_XR, a family of nonautonomous Harbinger DNA transposons from frog.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 254 (2005)
  255. hAT-3N1_DR, a family of nonautonomous hAT DNA transposons from zebrafish.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 255 (2005)
  256. hAT-3N1_DR, a family of nonautonomous hAT DNA transposons from zebrafish.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 256 (2005)
  257. hAT-3_DR, a family of autonomous hAT DNA transposons from zebrafish.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 257 (2005)
  258. HATSOD1: hAT-type DNA transposon from Solanum demissum: a complete sequence.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 258 (2005)
  259. HELITRON7_OS: A recently inserted rolling circle transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 259 (2005)
  260. HELITRON8_OS: Helitron-type autonomous rolling circle transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 260 (2005)
  261. LINE2C1_CE: A recent copy of CR1-like non-LTR retrotransposon from C. elegans.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 261 (2005)
  262. LINE2G_CE: CR1-type non-LTR retrotransposon from Caenorhabditis elegans.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 262 (2005)
  263. MARINCE1: Mariner-type autonomous DNA transposon from C. elegans.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 263 (2005)
  264. MARISP1: Mariner-type autonomous DNA transposon from California Purple Sea Urchin.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 264 (2005)
  265. MARWOLEN1: Mariner-type DNA transposon from Wolbachia endosymbiont of Drosophila ananassae (procaryote).
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 265 (2005)
  266. MDR2: MuDR-type DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 266 (2005)
  267. MuDR1_ZM: MuDR-type autonomous DNA transposon from maize.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 267 (2005)
  268. MuDR4_OS: A complete prototypic sequence of a new MuDR-type autonomous DNA transposon family from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 268 (2005)
  269. MUDROS1: MuDR-type DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 269 (2005)
  270. MUDROS2: MuDR-type DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 270 (2005)
  271. MUDSOLT1: MuDR-type DNA transposon from patato - a complete sequence.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 271 (2005)
  272. MUJITOS1: MuDR-like DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 272 (2005)
  273. OSMUD1: Prototypic sequence for a new MuDR-type family of DNA transposons from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 273 (2005)
  274. piggyBac-N10_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 274 (2005)
  275. piggyBac-N11_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 275 (2005)
  276. piggyBac-N9_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 276 (2005)
  277. RIRE8C: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon - long terminal repeat and the internal portion.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 277 (2005)
  278. RIRE8C: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon - long terminal repeat and the internal portion.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 278 (2005)
  279. RN107: Ty1/Copia-type LTR retroelement in Oryza sativa.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 279 (2005)
  280. RN107: Ty1/Copia-type LTR retroelement in Oryza sativa.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 280 (2005)
  281. RN10: Ty3/Gypsy LTR retroelement in Oryza sativa.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 281 (2005)
  282. RN10: Ty3/Gypsy LTR retroelement in Oryza sativa.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 282 (2005)
  283. RN12: Ty3/Gypsy LTR retroelement in Oryza sativa.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 283 (2005)
  284. RN12: Ty3/Gypsy LTR retroelement in Oryza sativa.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 284 (2005)
  285. SZ-54B: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 285 (2005)
  286. SZ-54B: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 286 (2005)
  287. SZ-54C: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 287 (2005)
  288. SZ-54C: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 288 (2005)
  289. SZ-54D: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 289 (2005)
  290. SZ-54D: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 290 (2005)
  291. SZ-64B: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice. Identification and nomenclature.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 291 (2005)
  292. SZ-64B: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice. Identification and nomenclature.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 292 (2005)
  293. TWIFB1: A new hAT-type DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:9 p. 293 (2005)
  294. ATMU13: MuDR-type DNA transposon from thale cress (a complete sequence).
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 294 (2005)
  295. BELPADRE: BEL-type LTR retrotransposon family from zebrafish (a consensus sequence).
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 295 (2005)
  296. BELPADRE: BEL-type LTR retrotransposon family from zebrafish (a consensus sequence).
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 296 (2005)
  297. CACTA-G1: A new EnSpm type non-autonomous DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 297 (2005)
  298. Copi2: Identification of a new Copia-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 298 (2005)
  299. Copi2: Identification of a new Copia-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 299 (2005)
  300. CPSC2: A recently inserted Copia-type LTR retrotransposon.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 300 (2005)
  301. CPSC2: A recently inserted Copia-type LTR retrotransposon.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 301 (2005)
  302. CRMA1: A new Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 302 (2005)
  303. CRMA1: A new Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 303 (2005)
  304. DNA-4-1_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposon in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 304 (2005)
  305. EnSpm-N1_SP, a family of nonautonomous En/Spm DNA transposons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 305 (2005)
  306. HAT1_MD, an autonomous hAT DNA transposon from M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 306 (2005)
  307. HAT2_MD, an autonomous hAT DNA transposon from M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 307 (2005)
  308. HATOS1: A new hAT-type DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 308 (2005)
  309. L1-10_MD, a subfamily of L1 element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 309 (2005)
  310. L1-1_MD, a young L1 element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 310 (2005)
  311. L1-2_MD, a relatively young L1 element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 311 (2005)
  312. L1-3_MD, a subfamily of L1 element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 312 (2005)
  313. L1-4_MD, a subfamily of L1 element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 313 (2005)
  314. L1-5_MD, an old subfamily of L1 element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 314 (2005)
  315. L1-6_MD, a frequent L1 element fragment from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 315 (2005)
  316. L1-7_MD, a subfamily of L1 element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 316 (2005)
  317. L1-8_MD, a subfamily of L1 element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 317 (2005)
  318. L1-9_MD, an old subfamily of L1 element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 318 (2005)
  319. MAR1_MD, a tRNA-derived, L1-mobilized SINE from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 319 (2005)
  320. MARINER1_MD, a Mariner DNA transposon from M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 320 (2005)
  321. MARINERNA1_MD, a family of nonautonomous Mariner elements from M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 321 (2005)
  322. MARINERNA3_MD, a family of nonautonomous Mariner elements from M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 322 (2005)
  323. MARINERNA4_MD, a family of nonautonomous Mariner elements from M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 323 (2005)
  324. MARINERNA5_MD, a family of nonautonomous Mariner elements from M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 324 (2005)
  325. MARINERNA7_MD, a family of nonautonomous Mariner elements from M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 325 (2005)
  326. MUDRN5_OS: MuDR-type non-autonomous DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 326 (2005)
  327. MUJITOS2: DNA-transposon distantly related to MuDR-type transposons - a complete sequence.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 327 (2005)
  328. MUTRIM1: A DNA transposon from einkorn distantly related to MuDR-type transposon.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 328 (2005)
  329. RTE-1_MD, an RTE-like non-LTR retrotransposon from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 329 (2005)
  330. RTE-2_MD, an RTE-like non-LTR retrotransposon from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 330 (2005)
  331. RTE-3_MD, an RTE-like non-LTR retrotransposon from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 331 (2005)
  332. OS9A: A new Copia-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 332 (2005)
  333. OS9A: A new Copia-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 333 (2005)
  334. SINE-1_MD, a potentially RTE-mobilized SINE from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 334 (2005)
  335. SZ-56A: Gypsy-type, young LTR retrotransposon family member (a complete sequence).
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 335 (2005)
  336. SZ-56A: Gypsy-type, young LTR retrotransposon family member (a complete sequence).
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 336 (2005)
  337. SZ-7A: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 337 (2005)
  338. SZ-7A: Gypsy-type LTR retrotransposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 338 (2005)
  339. TABOR_DA, an endogeneous retrovirus from Drosophila ananassae.
    Gentles,A., Kapitonov,V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 339 (2005)
  340. TABOR_DA, an endogeneous retrovirus from Drosophila ananassae.
    Gentles,A., Kapitonov,V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:10 p. 340 (2005)
  341. AMARI: Mariner-type DNA transposon from honeybee.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 341 (2005)
  342. DNA7-1_SP, a family of nonautonomous DNA transposon in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 342 (2005)
  343. DNANA2_MD, a non-autonomous DNA transposon from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 343 (2005)
  344. DNANA3_MD, a non-autonomous DNA transposon from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 344 (2005)
  345. ERV10_MD class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 345 (2005)
  346. ERV10_MD class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 346 (2005)
  347. ERV11_MD, a recently-active class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 347 (2005)
  348. ERV11_MD, a recently-active class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 348 (2005)
  349. ERV12_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 349 (2005)
  350. ERV12_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 350 (2005)
  351. ERV13_MD, an ERV1 retroelement from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 351 (2005)
  352. ERV13_MD, an ERV1 retroelement from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 352 (2005)
  353. ERV15_MD, a family of class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 353 (2005)
  354. ERV15_MD, a family of class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 354 (2005)
  355. ERV16_MD, yet another ERV1 retroelement from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 355 (2005)
  356. ERV16_MD, yet another ERV1 retroelement from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 356 (2005)
  357. ERV17_MD, a class 2 (HERVK) type endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 357 (2005)
  358. ERV17_MD, a class 2 (HERVK) type endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 358 (2005)
  359. ERV18_MD, a prolific ERV1 class retroelement from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 359 (2005)
  360. ERV18_MD, a prolific ERV1 class retroelement from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 360 (2005)
  361. ERV19_MD, a common subfamily of ERV1 class retroelement from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 361 (2005)
  362. ERV19_MD, a common subfamily of ERV1 class retroelement from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 362 (2005)
  363. ERV1_MD, a young class 2 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 363 (2005)
  364. ERV1_MD, a young class 2 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 364 (2005)
  365. ERV20_MD, an ERV1 class endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 365 (2005)
  366. ERV20_MD, an ERV1 class endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 366 (2005)
  367. ERV21_MD, an ERV1 class endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 367 (2005)
  368. ERV21_MD, an ERV1 class endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 368 (2005)
  369. ERV22_MD, a middle-aged ERV1 class endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 369 (2005)
  370. ERV22_MD, a middle-aged ERV1 class endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 370 (2005)
  371. ERV23_MD, a young class 2 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 371 (2005)
  372. ERV23_MD, a young class 2 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 372 (2005)
  373. ERV24_MD, HERVR (ERV1) class retroviral element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 373 (2005)
  374. ERV24_MD, HERVR (ERV1) class retroviral element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 374 (2005)
  375. ERV25_MD, HERVR (ERV1) class retroviral element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 375 (2005)
  376. ERV25_MD, HERVR (ERV1) class retroviral element from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 376 (2005)
  377. ERV2_MD, a young class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 377 (2005)
  378. ERV2_MD, a young class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 378 (2005)
  379. ERV3_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 379 (2005)
  380. ERV3_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 380 (2005)
  381. ERV4_MD, a class 2 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 381 (2005)
  382. ERV4_MD, a class 2 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 382 (2005)
  383. ERV5_MD, a class 2 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 383 (2005)
  384. ERV5_MD, a class 2 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 384 (2005)
  385. ERV6_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 385 (2005)
  386. ERV6_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 386 (2005)
  387. ERV7_MD, an endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 387 (2005)
  388. ERV7_MD, an endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 388 (2005)
  389. ERV8_MD, a young class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 389 (2005)
  390. ERV8_MD, a young class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 390 (2005)
  391. ERV9_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 391 (2005)
  392. ERV9_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 392 (2005)
  393. Helitron-1_SP, a family of autonomous Helitrons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 393 (2005)
  394. Helitron-N1_SP, a family of nonautonomous Helitrons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 394 (2005)
  395. Helitron-N2_SP, a family of nonautonomous Helitrons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 395 (2005)
  396. Helitron-N3_SP, a family of nonautonomous Helitrons in the sea urchin genome.
    Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 396 (2005)
  397. MARINER2_MD, an autonomous Mariner DNA transposon from M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 397 (2005)
  398. MUDR3: MuDR-type DNA transposon from rice.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 398 (2005)
  399. NERV1_MD, a non-autonomous ERV1 class retroelement from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 399 (2005)
  400. NERV1_MD, a non-autonomous ERV1 class retroelement from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 400 (2005)
  401. NERV2_MD, a non-autonomous ERV1 class retroelement from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 401 (2005)
  402. NERV2_MD, a non-autonomous ERV1 class retroelement from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:11 p. 402 (2005)
  403. ERV26_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 403 (2005)
  404. ERV27_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 404 (2005)
  405. ERV27_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 405 (2005)
  406. ERV28_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 406 (2005)
  407. ERV28_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 407 (2005)
  408. ERV29_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 408 (2005)
  409. ERV29_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 409 (2005)
  410. ERV30_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 410 (2005)
  411. ERV31_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 411 (2005)
  412. ERV32_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 412 (2005)
  413. ERV32_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 413 (2005)
  414. ERV33_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 414 (2005)
  415. ERV33_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 415 (2005)
  416. ERV34_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 416 (2005)
  417. ERV34_MD, a class 1 endogenous retrovirus from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 417 (2005)
  418. LTR100_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 418 (2005)
  419. LTR101_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 419 (2005)
  420. LTR102_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 420 (2005)
  421. LTR103_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 421 (2005)
  422. LTR104_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 422 (2005)
  423. LTR105_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 423 (2005)
  424. LTR106_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 424 (2005)
  425. LTR107_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 425 (2005)
  426. LTR108_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 426 (2005)
  427. LTR109_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 427 (2005)
  428. LTR10_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 428 (2005)
  429. LTR110_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 429 (2005)
  430. LTR111_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 430 (2005)
  431. LTR112_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 431 (2005)
  432. LTR113_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 432 (2005)
  433. LTR114_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 433 (2005)
  434. LTR115_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 434 (2005)
  435. LTR116_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 435 (2005)
  436. LTR117_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 436 (2005)
  437. LTR118_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 437 (2005)
  438. LTR119_MD, a family of long terminal repeats from the opossum M. domestica.
    Gentles,A. and Jurka,J.
    Repbase Reports 5:12 p. 438 (2005)

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