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Repbase Reports

2007, Volume 7, Issue 9
September 30, 2007
Copyright © 2001-2016 - Genetic Information Research Institute, USA
ISSN# 1534-830X

773. CACTAN1_ZM: Non-autonomous DNA transposon from maize.
774, 775, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780, 781. Chapaev - a novel superfamily of DNA transposons.
Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J.
782, 783. Copia25-VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
784, 785. Copia26-VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
786, 787. Copia27-VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
788, 789. Copia28-VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
790, 791. Copia29-VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
792. ENSPM-N1_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
793. ENSPM-N3_VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
794, 795. Gypsy19-VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
796, 797. Gypsy2-VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
798, 799. Gypsy3-VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
800, 801. Gypsy35_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
802, 803. Gypsy36_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
804, 805. Gypsy37_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
806, 807. Gypsy38_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
808, 809. Gypsy39_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
810, 811. Gypsy40_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
812, 813. Gypsy41_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
814, 815. Gypsy42_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
816, 817. Gypsy43_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
818, 819. Gypsy44_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
820, 821. Gypsy45_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
822, 823. Gypsy46_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
824, 825. Gypsy47_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
826, 827. Gypsy48_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
828, 829. Gypsy49_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
830, 831. Gypsy50_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Dib,M.R. and Naveira,H.F.
832, 833. Gypsy8-VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
834. HARB2_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
835. HARB3_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
836. HARB4_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
837. HARB5_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
838. HARB6_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
839. HARB7_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
840. HARB8_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
841. HARBN2_ZM: Harbinger-type non-autonomous DNA transposon from maize.
842. hAT-1_SM: DNA transposon from freshwater planarian (Schmidtea mediterranea).
843. HAZEAN1: hAT-type non-autonomous DNA transposon from maize.
844. HAZEAN2: haT-type non-autonomous DNA transposon from maize.
845. HAZEMAN1: Non-autonomous DNA transposon from maize.
846. Helitron1_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
847. LINE1-10_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
848. LINE1-11_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
849. LINE1-12_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
850. LINE1-13_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
851. LINE1-14_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
852. LINE1-15_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
853. LINE1-16_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
854. LINE1-17_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
855. LINE1-18_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
856. LINE1-19_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
857. LINE1-1_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
858. LINE1-20_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
859. LINE1-21_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
860. LINE1-22_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
861. LINE1-23_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
862. LINE1-24_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
863. LINE1-25_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
864. LINE1-26_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
865. LINE1-2_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
866. LINE1-3_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
867. LINE1-4_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
868. LINE1-5_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
869. LINE1-6_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
870. LINE1-7_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
871. LINE1-8_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
872. LINE1-9_ZM: L1-type family of repeats from maize.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
873, 874. LTR retrotransposon from barley.
Kohany,O. and Jurka,J.
875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 939, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 946, 947, 948, 949, 950, 951, 952, 953, 954, 955, 956. LTR retrotransposon from maize.
Kohany,O. and Jurka,J.
957, 958, 959, 960, 961, 962. LTR retrotransposon from maize.
963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973, 974, 975, 976, 977, 978. LTR retrotransposon from sorghum.
Kohany,O. and Jurka,J.
979. MuDR1N_SB: Non-autonomous, putative DNA transposon - consensus.
980. MuDR2_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
981. MUDR3_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
982. MUDRAVI2.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
983. PiggyB-N1_SM: PiggyBac-type element from freshwater planarian (Schmidtea mediterranea).
984, 985. PREM1A_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
986, 987. Prem3_ZM: Copia-type LTR retrotransposon from maize.
988. RTE1_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
989. RTE2_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
990. SMAR1: Mariner-type element from freshwater planarian (Schmidtea mediterranea).
991. SMAR2: Mariner-type element from freshwater planarian (Schmidtea mediterranea).
992. SMAR3: Mariner-type element from freshwater planarian (Schmidtea mediterranea).
993. SMAR4: Mariner-type element from freshwater planarian (Schmidtea mediterranea).
994. SMAR5: Mariner-type element from freshwater planarian (Schmidtea mediterranea).
995. SMAR6: Mariner-type element from freshwater planarian (Schmidtea mediterranea).
996. SMAR7: Mariner-type element from freshwater planarian (Schmidtea mediterranea).
997. SMAR8: Mariner-type element from freshwater planarian (Schmidtea mediterranea).
998. SMARN1: Non-autonomous Mariner-type element from freshwater planarian (Schmidtea mediterranea).
999. SMARN2: Non-autonomous Mariner-type element from freshwater planarian (Schmidtea mediterranea).
1000. SORHA1: Putative Harbinger-type non-autonomous DNA transposon.
1001. VHARB-N3_VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
1002. VHARB4_VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
1003. VIHAT3.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
1004. VLINE5_VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
1005. VLINE6_VV.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
1006. ZhAT2_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
1007. ZhAT3_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
1008. ZhAT5_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
1009. ZhAT6_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
1010. ZhAT7_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
1011. ZhAT8_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
1012. ZhATN4_ZM.
Obukhanych,T. and Jurka,J.
1013, 1014. ZMCOPIA3: Copia-type LTR retrotransposon from maize.

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