98, 99. |
M. sativa putative retrotransposon ALFARE1.
Gentles,A. and Jurka,J. |
100, 101. |
A consensus sequence of Copia-type element COPI1.
Jurka,J. |
102. |
M. truncatula LTR consensus.
Gentles,A. and Jurka,J. |
103. |
M. truncatula LTR consensus COPIA3-LTR_MT.
Gentles,A. and Jurka,J. |
104, 105. |
Copia-like consensus sequence from Oryza sativa.
Jurka,J. |
106, 107. |
Copia-like retroelement CPR1 from rice: a consensus.
Jurka,J. |
108, 109. |
Copia type LTR retrotransposon CPSC3.
Jurka,J. |
110, 111. |
Copia-type CPSC4A element from rice.
Jurka,J. |
112, 113. |
Copia-type CPSC4B autonomous element from rice.
Jurka,J. |
114. |
EnSpm like DNA transposon from Oryza sativa : consensus sequence.
Jurka,J. |
115. |
En/Spm-like DNA transposon from rice.
Jurka,J. and Gentles,A. |
116, 117. |
Gypsy-like non-LTR retrotransposon from Oryza sativa.
Jurka,J. |
118, 119. |
Gypsy-28_DR, a family of LTR retrotransposons from zebrafish.
Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J. |
120. |
L1-1_XL family of frog non-LTR rtetrotransposons.
Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J. |
121. |
LTR3_DR, a family of zebrafish long terminal repeats.
Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J. |
122. |
Mariner-N14_AG: a family of nonautonomous mariner/Tc1-like DNA transposons from African malaria mosquito.
Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J. |
123. |
Mariner-N1_CB, a family of nonautonomous Mariner transposons in the Caenorhabditis briggsae genome.
Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J. |
124. |
MuDR-like autonomous DNA transposon from rice - a consensus.
Jurka,J. |
125. |
MUDRN4_OS: a non-autonomous MuDR transposon from rice.
Gentles,A. and Jurka,J. |
126, 127. |
Copia-type RETROFIT2 LTR retrotransposon.
Jurka,J. |
128, 129. |
Copia-type RETROFIT3 LTR retrotransposon.
Jurka,J. |
130, 131. |
Gypsy-class endogenous retrovirus RIREX.
Jurka,J. |
132. |
Putative retroelement from Oryza sativa - a consensus sequence.
Jurka,J. |
133. |
Putative rice SINE element.
Gentles,A. and Jurka,J. |
134. |
A consensus sequence of SZ-46LTR.
Jurka,J. |