General information
3rd International Conference/Workshop
Genomic Impact of Eukaryotic Transposable Elements
February 24-28, 2012The Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, USA

We are pleased to announce the third international conference devoted to genomic impact of transposable elements (TEs). It follows in the footsteps of the first and the second conference on the same subject. The conference will include invited floor presentations on the biology of TEs and their genomic impact. General sessions will be followed by shorter talks selected from your abstracts. The workshop talks will be devoted to computational analysis of TEs with possible additional time for discussion of unresolved issues. Also, there will be ample opportunity for poster presentations and informal evening discussions.
This international conference is set in the Asilomar Conference Grounds on the southern end of Monterey Bay, CA.
If you have any questions about the conference, please send an email to conference@girinst.org or call us at (650 ) 961-4480.