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Submission to Gene

Dear Conference Participants,

Thank you very much for your enthusiastic response to our first international conference on the Genomic Impact of Eukaryotic Transposable Elements. It is our pleasure to invite all of you to submit manuscripts on your research for inclusion in the special issue of GENE.

In order to facilitate timely publication we ask that all manuscripts be submitted no later than Friday June 16th, 2006.

Authors should submit their manuscripts electronically by using the EES online submission system. The instructions are provided in the Tutorial for Authors. Papers should be prepared in Gene's style following the detailed instructions listed in the Guide for Authors.

The authors should include a statement in their cover letter that the manuscript should be considered for inclusion in the Asilomar special issue and asking for Dr. Mark Batzer to act as the Handling Editor.

We hope that all of you will contribute and look forward to putting together a very exciting special issue of GENE.


The Organizers and Editors

Mark A. Batzer, Prescott L. Deininger, Jerzy Jurka and John Moran

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