Repbase Reports |
2020, Volume 20, Issue 9 |
September 28, 2020 |
Copyright © 2001-2020 - Genetic Information Research Institute, California |
ISSN# 1534-830X |
Page 2486 |
Ngaro-1_MiSa |
DIRS retrotransposon - consensus. |
Submitted: 25-Nov-2019 |
Accepted: 28-Sep-2020 |
Key Words: DIRS; LTR Retrotransposon; Transposable Element; Ngaro-1_MiSa |
Source: Microbotryum saponariae |
Organism: Microbotryum saponariae |
Taxonomy: Eukaryota; Fungi; Dikarya; Basidiomycota; Pucciniomycotina; Microbotryomycetes; Microbotryales; Microbotryaceae; Microbotryum |
[] |
Authors: Bao,W. |
Title: DIRS retrotransposons from the Microbotryum saponariae genome. |
Journal: Repbase Reports 20(9), 2486-2486 (2020) |
Abstract: ~99% identical to the consensus. The peculiarity about Ngaro-1_MiSa is that it does not show split direct repeat, nor TIRs, nor TSDs, but contains the RTase, RNase H, and YR recombinase. RT and RNase seems not to be coded in a single ORF, implying either it is a recently decaded autonomous TE, or translation shift occurs. Note: For some individual DIRS families, individual copies with split direct repeat, or no, are both observed.
Derived: [1] (Consensus) |
Download Sequence - Format: IG, EMBL, FASTA |
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