Repbase Reports |
2003, Volume 3, Issue 10 |
October 31, 2003 |
Copyright © 2001-2016 - Genetic Information Research Institute |
ISSN# 1534-830X |
Page 182 |
ATIS112A |
ATIS112A is an autonomous DNA transposon. |
Submitted: 01-Feb-2001 |
Accepted: 01-FEB-2001 |
Key Words: autonomous DNA transposon; 3 bp-long target-site duplication; transposase; TIR; Harbinger superfamily; ATIS112A |
Source: consensus |
Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana |
Taxonomy: Eukaryota; Plantae; Embryobionta; Magnoliophyta; Magnoliopsida; Dilleniidae; Capparales; Brassicaceae |
[2] |
Authors: Kapitonov,V.V. and Jurka,J. |
Title: ATIS112A is an autonomous DNA transposon. |
Journal: Repbase Reports 3:(10) p. 182 (2003) |
Abstract: ATIS112A is an autonomous DNA transposon. There are several copies of the transposon in the A.thaliana genome which are more than 90% identical to each other. They are bordered by 3 bp-long target site duplications. ATIS112A has 25 bp-long terminal inverted repeat. ATIS112A encodes two proteins, ATIS112A-1p and ATIS112A-2p. The 320-aa ATIS112A-1p is a putative DNA binding protein that includes the SANT/myb/trihelix motif. The protein is encoded by 3 exons (834-922, 1262-1444 and 1498-2188). ATIS112A-1p: VIWRICNKVCCFLIEYNPNAKVVGLRSNASFINLLNSQDDSHILPPNPYECFELGSANVP VYSTEWSDDDPSEDEAPIAGKKGRKGRKGRNGWLNTSKDPVVGNEQKGAAFWERIAAYYN SSPKLKGVEKRGHICCKQRWSKVNDVVNKFVGSYLAASKQQTSGQNDDDVVSLAHQIFSK DYGCKFTCEHAWRELRYDQKWIAQSTHGKAKRRKCEDDSEPVGLEDKEARPIGVKAAKAA AKAKGKGKLSPDEGEETNALKEIKSIWEIKEKDHAAKEKLIIIKEKKNRTKLLERLLGKT EPLSDIEIELKNKLINELLA ATIS112A-2p is a 484-aa Harbinger-like DNA transposase, which is related to the transposase encoded by the bacterial IS112/IS5 transposons (pos. 3583-5034). ATIS112A-2p: MAGSSSNYNLDDMFDDKFDQCFDQALESYGNRQRVKPRKKKAYIERNREEGHIQLVNDYFTENPTYPPHI FRRRFRMNKPLFMRIVERFSNEVPYFKQRRDATGRLGFSALQKSTAAIRMLAYGIAADAVDEYLRIGEST SLLCLEHFAEGIINLFGDEYLRRPTRDDLIRLLHIGEQRGFPGMIGSIDCMHWEWKNCPTAWKGQYTRGS GKPTIVLEAVASQDLWIWHAFFGPPGTLNDINVLDRSPVFDDILQGRAPKVKYVVNGKDYNLAYYLTDGI YPKWATFIQSISIPQGDKASLFATTQEACRKDVERAFGVLQARFAIVKHPALFHDKVKIGNIMRACIILH NMIVEDERDGYTQFDVSEFVHPESASSSQVDFTYATDMPSNLGNMMATRARVRDRIKHEELKADLVEHVW There are several other highly divergent families of Harbingers present in the A. thaliana genome [1]. Originally, the transposon was described by [1]. The consensus sequence derived by [2] encodes the complete transposase.
Derived: [2] (Consensus) |
Download Sequence - Format: IG, EMBL, FASTA |