The Publications of Professor Linus Pauling Home Page

The Publications of Professor Linus Pauling (Postscript)

The Publications of Professor Linus Pauling

The Publications of Professor Linus Pauling (pdf file)

raw data file

There are four files at present:

1) a postscript file for downloading to a postscript printer. It can also be downloaded and viewed using Ghostview

2) the ASCII version of the Postscript view if you are crazy enough to read Postscript files

3) a pdf version of the file which can be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader (public domain software with a wonderful text search engine)

4) the raw data file, which is ASCII

These copyright files are the work of Dr. Zelek S. Herman and Dorothy Bruce Munro.

For questions or comments e-mail:

Dr. Zelek S. Herman
1680 College Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94306

For nearly 15 Years, Dr. Herman was Professor Pauling's collaborator at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine in Palo Alto, California, and for over 20 years, D. B. Munro was his assistant.

picture of Linus Pauling and Zelek S. Herman